Sleep Deprivation Badly Affects Your Workplace Performance

Sleep Deprivation Badly Affects Your Workplace Performance
Sleep Deprivation Badly Affects Your Workplace Performance. Credit | Shutterstock

United States: If you’re finding it hard to concentrate or feeling drained, you’re not alone. Sleep deprivation is actually more common than we think, and it can really impact everything from mood to productivity. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has already studied these effects, highlighting how poor rest can hurt both individual well-being and workplace performance.

According to recent survey, the 60% of the adults have found negative impacts of sleep deprivation; the 70% of the adults surveyed said that not having good night sleep decrease their overall effectiveness at work.

Indeed, results derived from the National Sleep Foundation’s global poll revealed that approximately two thirds of respondents testified that they have poor ability of dictating their workload or inability to make no mistakes whenever they fail to have a proper rest.

As reported by the HealthDay, Sleep quality can yet affect an individual health status and work performance, quality, and efficiency.

Visual Representation. Credit | Fotolia

The wake-up call to managers, owners and bosses: That lack of sleep can actually bring the efficiency down. Employers should embrace employees who are in a position to have quality sleep.

“Whether an organization has 20 employees or 200,000 the same principles of promoting sleep health and safety within their circle of influence can boost performance and productivity in work and laboratory environments,” said Dr. Joseph Dzierzewski, the National Sleep Foundation Senior Vice President of Research and Scientific Affairs in the launched press release.

Rather, as businesses aim to bounce back from the pandemic in its entirety, and people go to work from Monday through Friday, or in a mixture of both at-home and office, good quality sleep – and rested employees – are needed.

There is a real, meaningful negative consequence associated with not getting healthy sleep, according to the NSF survey report authors. When asked how poor sleep affects general work productivity, more than 50% of participants reported that poor sleep reduces ability to work required working hours, avoid making mistakes at work and correctly interact with other people at work.

Put another way: whether it be adopting for a nap or a shift change, when workers sleep, everyone suffers.