United States: According to a new study, Ozempic and Wegovy may help reduce the prevalence of pancreatitis in people who have type 2 diabetes and rotundity.
According to supereminent experimenter Dr. Mahmoud Nassar, a fellow in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at the University of Buffalo in New York, croakers have been reluctant to define semaglutide to cases with a history of pancreatitis up until now out of concern that the drug would make the illness worse.
As Nassar pointed out, the prescribing material for the medication even includes a warning regarding this possible negative effect.

According to Nassar, “Our research challenges prior concerns and offers new hope for effective disease management by highlighting the safety and potential of GLP-1 receptor agonists [like semaglutide] to reduce the risk of acute pancreatitis recurrence in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes.”
Researchers examined information from over 638,000 patients who had previously experienced pancreatitis for this study. Although the patients were spread around fifteen different countries, the majority of them were American.
Within 15 years of beginning to take semaglutide or other medications for diabetes and disease with causes for excessive eating disorder researchers monitored the number of people who experienced pancreatitis once more.
The other medications were DPP4 inhibitors, which aid in the pancreas’ secretion of insulin, and SGLT2 inhibitors, which lower blood sugar levels by blocking the kidneys’ absorption of glucose.

A recurrence of pancreatitis occurred in around 15% of patients on semaglutide, compared to 24% of people taking SGLT2 inhibitors, 23% of patients taking DPP4, and nearly 52% of patients not taking any medication at all.
At the annual conference of the Endocrine Society in Boston on Saturday, the study was presented. Prior to being published in a peer-reviewed journal, findings presented at medical gatherings are regarded as preliminary.
According to a news release from the meeting, Nassar stated,” This study provides critical perceptivity that could change the treatment geography for cases with rotundity and type 2 diabetes, particularly those who have a history of acute pancreatitis.”
” There’s stopgap for better operation of these conditions, bettered patient issues, and enhanced quality of life with the eventuality to use GLP- 1 receptor agonists more extensively,” stated Nasser.” It emphasizes the significance of individualized drug, where treatment opinions are acclimatized to the existent’s specific health profile and needs.”