Four Minutes of Exercise Slashes Cancer Risk 

United States: A doctor has shared exciting news: just four minutes of exercise a day can greatly lower your risk of getting cancer. Activities like running, cycling, and swimming for a few minutes can reduce the chance of cancer by 20%.  

Plus, a study from last year found that only 10 minutes of the same type of exercise can cut the risk of dying from heart disease by half. So, even a short burst of exercise can make a big difference in staying healthy! 

Experts Highlight the Benefits of Brief, Intense Exercise 

As reported by, nutritional scientist and professional body builder Dr Layne Norton stated that more and more investigations have played up that a ‘disgustingly small’ amount of moderate to intense activity is what helps avoid an early death. 

Speaking on the FoundMyFitness podcast last week, Dr Norton, from Florida, said: ‘Your body is so made to move against stuff that if you don’t, you are drastically advancing the aging process and your cognitive decline.’  

It notes that a thirty yr by now has a maximum heart rate of 187; certainly, during intense physical activity, it should range from 131-159 beats per min. It is if you cannot breathe, speak or hardly engage in any form of interaction during the entire exercise period. 

Study Reveals Significant Health Benefits 

Further, she pointed out a recent study by JAMA Oncology, 2023, which focused upon 22000 adults who never exercised. The age range of the participants was found to be 34 years on average women constituted 55% of participates. 

It discovered that, doing only four minutes of intensive physical activity daily, cancer risk was lowered by 20%. This was even higher at 30 per cent for 10 minutes exercise. If people perform three 10-min bouts of exercise daily, then they were 40% protected against cancer and cancer death and 50% against the death from heart disease.  

Despite the fact that researchers did not pinpoint as to what lowered the risk of cancer, specialists opine it is due to the reduction of possible damaging inflammation, which also boosts immunity. Dr Norton also mentioned other bonus of short bouts of exercise, which include enhancement of mental and cognitive health. 

Exercise Routine for Better Health 

A research study published in 2023 revealed that, moderate to vigorous physical activity of 20 considerably enhanced the memory enhance more than the extensive exercise. Dr Norton said: “According to the latest news about physical activities, even if you only go for a vigorous walk for 30 minutes a day, you are having it made”. He then recommended exercising like brushing your teeth; meaning one has to make it a routine as it is unable to be quit.