United States: A new survey from 2023 found that 24.3% of adults in the U.S. have had chronic pain in the last three months. Chronic pain is pain which almost lasts for a long time, often for months or even years.
This data was collected by two health experts, Jacqueline W. Lucas and Inderbir Sohi from National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville Maryland. These numbers they got from the 2023 National Health Interview with information they used.
The survey also discovered that some people reported that their chronic pain interferes with their daily activities a great deal and such pain is known as High Impact Chronic Pain. This brief didn’t provide the exact number of people who suffer from this high impact pain, but it points out that a significant number of adults associate pain with their ability to perform everyday activities.
It was covered by the Medicalxpress According to this data, health specialists can learn how many citizens of the United States feel chronic pain and use this data to create better plans to help those people.
Specifically, the researchers found out that 24.3% of the adults had chronic pain and 8.5% of the adults had high intensity chronic pain in the preceding three months in 2023.
The main chronic pain statistic rose with age as did high-impact chronic pain. When it comes to chronic pain, American Indian and Alaska Native non-Hispanic adults were highly likely than Asians non-Hispanic and Hispanic adults; 30.7 percent of them.
There was an increasing trend for the proportion of adults suffering from chronic pain and high impact chronic pain with the decrease in the urbanization level.
The authors note that women began the study reporting more pain than men, with more women than men experiencing chronic pain during the study.
Chronic pain was also generally higher in American Indian and Alaska Native adults and those aged 65 and older.” Likewise, high-impact chronic pain was also higher among the female, American Indian and Alaska Native adults and people aged 65 years and above.